Changing the console font

The console font can be changed in /etc/conf.d/consolefont. The fonts are located in /usr/share/consolefonts (in PSF format).

After changing the settings, you can add the service in the “sysinit” runlever (rc-update add consolefont sysinit)

Setting up a colorscheme

You can change the TTY(s) colors using


An exemple with “nord” color scheme from here

echo -en \\e]P02E3440
echo -en \\e]P1BF616A
echo -en \\e]P2A3BE8C
echo -en \\e]P3EBCB8B
echo -en \\e]P481A1C1
echo -en \\e]P5B48EAD
echo -en \\e]P688C0D0
echo -en \\e]P7E5E9F0
echo -en \\e]P84C566A
echo -en \\e]P9BF616A
echo -en \\e]PAA3BE8C
echo -en \\e]PBEBCB8B
echo -en \\e]PCB48EAD
echo -en \\e]PD8FBCBB
echo -en \\e]PEECEFF4

and in a OpenRC service:


description="Aplies a colorscheme to the TTY"

	need termencoding
	after devfs
	keyword -docker -lxc -openvz -prefix -systemd-nspawn -uml -vserver -xenu

	einfo "Setting up tty color scheme"
	for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
		echo -en \\e]P02E3440 >> $t
		echo -en \\e]P1BF616A >> $t
		echo -en \\e]P2A3BE8C >> $t
		echo -en \\e]P3EBCB8B >> $t
		echo -en \\e]P481A1C1 >> $t
		echo -en \\e]P5B48EAD >> $t
		echo -en \\e]P688C0D0 >> $t
		echo -en \\e]P7E5E9F0 >> $t
		echo -en \\e]P84C566A >> $t
		echo -en \\e]P9BF616A >> $t
		echo -en \\e]PAA3BE8C >> $t
		echo -en \\e]PBEBCB8B >> $t
		echo -en \\e]PCB48EAD >> $t
		echo -en \\e]PD8FBCBB >> $t
		echo -en \\e]PEECEFF4 >> $t

Copy this service in /etc/init.d/tty-colorscheme-nord and add it to the “sysinit” runlevel (rc-update add tty-colorscheme-nord sysinit)

Taking a screenshot

If you want to “take a screenshot” of your TTY, you can use fbcat or fbgrab.